every thursday (1830-2100)

Starting 20. February 2025 

@ svarupa cave (Postgasse 44, Bern)


During 8 weeks we will meet every thursday to practice different mindfulness techniques together, like mindfulness meditation, breathing practices (pranayama & Buteyko) and movement (yoga asana & conscious movement).

We will also explore how our nervous system works, reflecting on how „stress“ is influencing our daily life and learn about the importance of the vagus nerve. 



20.2/27.2/6.3/13.3/20.3/27.3/3.4/10.4 2025


Full-Day Retreat:

23 or 30.3. 2025 (9.00-16.00)


Join us for the 8-week mindful journey !


The course is based on the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programm and intends to support the participants to bring more mindfulness into their everyday life.

It was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn as intensive mindfulness meditation training to help coping with stress in everyday life.


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